right time to quit your job

Is it the right time to quit your job? Easy guidelines for making the right decision

Is it the right time to quit your job? It is perfectly normal that working in every company inevitably has its positive and negative sides…


… BUT if the negative sides prevail, maybe it is time to implement a change in your business plan. There can be plenty of reasons for leaving the company – you are tired of your job position, you can not climb up in the corporate ladder, your salary does not suit you, the atmosphere in the office and human relations are bad or you simply no longer see the purpose in what you do.

Is your decision to quit your job  is right?

decision to quit the job

You begin to reconsider your business career and the next steps that is to be taken, but there is always a dilemma – you are not sure whether your decisions are right. The decision to change job and quit is usually accompanied by questions – What if you make a mistake? What if you don’t have better conditions in new company then in the current one? Over time, these questions only add up.

Because you are not sure if you are making the right move (due to various unknown factors), as a result you simply do not make a decision, you have no solution and remain trapped in the place where you are – dissatisfied.

It is necessary to approach to this situation from several angles before making a final decision.

Firstly .....Make a plan
How to adjust your daily routine to be happy in the long run . Na koji način korigovati dnevnu rutinu da biste dugoročno bili srećni

 1. Take a paper and pencil – write everything down, it will be easier to visualize things.

 2. Write down your 10 short-term goals (something you could accomplish in a month to a year).

 3. Write down your 10 long-term goals. What is it that you would like to achieve in the long run? For example, goals realated to family, work, socializing, hobbies, etc. How do you see yourself in the future? Try not to make completely unrealistic goals, but something that could be fulfilled in time.

 4. Sort these goals by priority.

The process of thinking....

Forget about all the anger or euphoria – and aproach at the situation objectively.

Circle the goals that your current job meets and allows. Depending on what is important to you and what you want to achieve, you should analyze the things that are good and that are bad at the current job position. Below are examples of ways to analyze the situation.

Work negatively affects the achievement of your important goals

For example, one of the important goals may be to have a happy family and harmonious relationships within your home. But maybe the nature of your job is to work with no fixed work hours or to work overtime and as a result come home when children have already gone to bed, so you rarely see them – in this case work interferes something that is very important to you – your family. If as a result of so much work, you have a large income that enables your family to live a relaxed and comfortable life, then it may make sense, because it also contributes to your goal. On the other hand, if the current situation is that you do not earn enough money, but you work too much and do not spend time with your family, you definitely need to make a change, in order to achive your goal.

The type of job does not allow your professional career to progress

Your goal is to advance in your career and to further improve, but the company does not provide you with such an opportunity – for example, company does not organize additional training, does not try to improve the efficiency and knowledge of its staff, you don’t learn new things and advance in your industry due to the type of work you do and position in the company. Also it is possible that your company management has provide you with doing a monotonous job (that you do automatically even if you are ready for more complicated tasks), then you should definitely consider a change and look for a company that better suits your needs.

 Work has a positive effect on achieving your long-term goals

It is possible that in the current company you gain some knowledge that you can later apply in the implementation of some additional work or to achieve other plans and goals from your long-term plan. In this way, your current job will serve as an instrument to your further ideas.

Work gives you some privileges that are important to you

It can happen that you work in such a company that can provide you with certain privileges that some other companies may not be able to. For example, a company has enough capital to provide you with housing – whether it is a company apartment entrusted to you while you work for the company, or providing a loan to buy your own apartment, and in some cases even awarding an apartment from the company. Also, the company can be actively involved in the birth rate policy with various privileges that support and enable better and more comfortable maternity leave, if you are planning to expand your family. Furthermore, the privileges can refer to more days of vacation and more flexible taking of days off, as well as to sliding working hours or the possibility of working from home.

quit the job realization

How many goals does your current job not allow you to meet?

How many goals does it allow you to meet?

How important are these goals to you in terms of priority?

That’s the answer to your question of whether it’s the right time to quit your job and find a new one.


Over time, short-term goals will change, perhaps even long-term ones – but that’s a sign that you’re making progress. People get into a routine over time and don’t think about what they really want. It is up to you to find ways to fulfill your desires and requirements – to establish the right balance.

You need to analyze the situation well, be confident in yourself and your decisions and to not be afraid of change. When you know what you want, when you have a plan, the path with steps towards your goal will be clearer and will open by itself.

"Limeade Care Report: The Great Resignation Update," data summary

Limeade analysis on why do people leave their jobs. Picture is used from the link.

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