Kako povećati količinu mleka Hrana koja pomaže, Effective Foods for Increasing Milk Production Tips for Lactating Wom

Effective Foods for Increasing Milk Production: Tips for Lactating Women

Today, we are discussing a relevant topic among mothers who breastfeed their children – “What foods increase milk supply?” Some may say that the most important factor is the amount of fluids consumed, others may emphasize the role of nutrition, while some believe genetics is solely responsible.

From the perspective of breastfeeding mothers, we can offer several guidelines and list some foods that may help you have a little more milk at a given moment, especially if your baby is particularly hungry or eating more frequently that day for various reasons.


Koja hrana povećava količinu mleka

First and foremost, you should consume a sufficient amount of water.

Drink at least one extra glass of water while breastfeeding to prevent dehydration.

It’s crucial to be well-rested and sleep enough to avoid stress.

Be aware that the duration of breastfeeding should be adequate, as the baby “creates” its next milk supply. Consult with your pediatrician or doctor about the appropriate length of breastfeeding sessions for your situation, whether you should interrupt the session after a certain time, switch sides, or pump afterward.

Every baby is an individual, and the amount of milk needed varies based on several factors. Unlike formula milk, which is consistent and of uniform quality, mother’s milk changes in consistency, quality, and nutritional content during a single feeding. The most nutritious components are found at the end of the feeding, while the initial milk quenches the baby’s thirst. If your baby is constantly hungry, first consider how long the feeding has been and whether the baby reached the “hindmilk” before switching sides. If you interrupt the feeding prematurely and later pump and discard that milk, it may result in the baby feeling hungry. Save the milk you pumped for later and always offer it to the baby first before resorting to formula, if necessary.

=> It is also important to consider the rhythm of milk production established by the baby in the first days. From the outset, try to avoid supplementing with formula.


Best Foods to Boost Milk Production for Breastfeeding

If you are following all the guidelines and generally have no health issues, you probably won’t have problems with breastfeeding. However, there may be times when your baby simply wants more milk than you can provide, whether due to a growth spurt or other reasons. Before deciding to supplement with formula alongside your milk, try the following foods.

At least one, if not all, should work for you and relatively quickly increase your milk supply:

– Soups and broths

– Yogurt

– Oatmeal

– Grains

– Boza (a fermented drink)

– Kvass

– Spinach

– Nuts

– Sesame and flaxseeds

– Yeast

=> If you have no allergies to these foods, here’s a good idea to help increase your milk supply.


=> It has been scientifically proven that milk production increases the moment you feel happy or when you eat something you really wanted at that moment, whether it’s a favorite treat or a food you haven’t eaten in a while. The release of happiness hormones at that moment increases the amount of milk.

=> It’s important to be happy, smiling, and well-rested, no matter how difficult that may sound. If you’re wondering how to find time for yourself while having a small baby, click on this link.

=> Although it may seem like the easiest option, be aware that introducing formula does not contribute to the creation of new milk, as the amount the baby hasn’t “created” today won’t be available tomorrow either, or you’ll have to work very hard and adjust your routine.

=> In moments when the baby cries because they are hungry, and you are sure this is the reason and not something else, giving formula once won’t ruin anything. However, with long-term planning and smart decisions, you can completely avoid using formula.

=> If you’re experiencing significant breastfeeding issues and a noticeable decrease in milk supply, it’s best to consult a doctor as soon as possible so they can prescribe a specific supplement or lactation teas or explain other measures to help increase milk production.

We are glad you have chosen this form of nutrition for your baby, and be assured that this is the best decision you could make. We support you and send you strength to persevere in your decision.

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