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Diaper baby bag (checklist and tips for buying)

Diaper baby bag (checklist and tips for buying)

For the first time you are going out with your baby – for a long walk, to the doctor’s or some other occasion – not knowing how long you will stay. You will need to bring the baby’s bag with you, but make sure to pack everything that is necessary.

Take a quick look at our list and check if all the things are in the baby's bag:

Diaper baby bag_things checklist

¤   Bottle with water

¤   Bottle with milk (if needed)

¤   Two cotton „Tetra“ diapers

¤   Several disposable baby diapers

¤   Diaper changing pad

¤   Wet wipes

¤   Dry Wipes

¤   Diaper cream

¤   Antiseptic for your hands

¤   Baby suit and socks

¤   A small toy for a baby

¤   Additional pacifier

Tips for buying and organizing a baby bag

Diaper baby bag_partition to maintain the temperature
Diaper baby bag with changing pad

¤   If you haven’t bought or received a baby bag yet, don’t worry, it could be any clean backpack or medium-sized bag.


¤   To organize things in a bag without dividers the transparent, stronger fridge bags can be used and if you are buying a bag especially for this purpose, then choose the one with the most dividers and you won’t go wrong. Take a look at the main picture to get an idea of the organization of the baby bag.


¤   When buying a baby bag, give preference to those that have a partition to maintain the temperature of the water and baby milk (see picture).


¤   There are bags that come with a plasticized washable changing pad, as well as a “portable” version of the changing bag (see picture).


¤   Bags that have the possibility to be hung up to the stroller are very practical, but take into account that the stroller can overturn due to the weight of the hanging things. Therefore, you should avoid any accumulation of things on the baby stroller handrails and in the beginning, don’t forget to buy a baby stroller with a basket.

We hope we helped you a little, and all you have to do is get out of the house with your baby without worries. As soon as going out becomes your favorite routine, you won't even think about the bag, and it is possible that through time, as the baby grows, you will completely throw it out of use.

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