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DIY clay face mask (according to your skin type)

Still haven’t found the appropriate mask for your skin type, although you have tried different skin products from various manufacturers?

Even though you have wasted your money, time and effort you are still not completely satisfied with the product you are using.

If this is the case, with little of our help try to make your own DIY product that will completely suit your skin type, that will be on a natural basis and also several times cheaper than the products you can find in cosmetic stores.

Where to buy clay and how it can be used

Where to buy clay and how it can be used

You can buy powdered clay intended for external use in every local pharmacy.

It can be used in many ways – for baths, hair, face, etc.

This text will describe in detail – how to make a face mask using powdered clay and adapt it to your skin type.

How clay ingredients affect the skin

How clay ingredients affect the skin

The effectiveness and healing properties of clay have been proven long ago.

No matter what color or type of clay you choose, thanks to its chemical composition, it will make your skin hydrated and elastic.

Clay effects the skin by improving circulation, giving it a fresh and healthy look. It also cleans the skin very effectively from acne, blackheads and similar irregularities.

If you apply it on a wet face in a smaller amount, it can be an excellent peeling that will remove bacteria and other impurities from the surface of the face, and also clean pores and remove dead cells.

How to choose clay depending on the type of facial skin

How to choose clay depending on the type of facial skin

It is important to know that there are different types of powdered clay that can be purchased. Certain types are used for oily skin, others for dry skin, but there are also those that suit all skin types.


  For oily facial skin – it is best to use green clay because it can powerfully remove excess fat from the face. Due to the zinc in its composition, it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Moreover, it perfectly removes acne and even acne scars because of its property of accelerating wound healing.

  For dry and sensitive facial skin – it is better to choose white clay, because it has a soothing effect on the skin and additionally nourishes it, keeping it young. Gray clay is also a great choice for sensitive skin as it reduces redness, rashes and irritations.

  For normal facial skin – red clay is the most suitable. It will restore freshness and radiance to your face.


In accordance with the purposes, appropriate types of clay are used.


 o  For hyper-pigmentation – Fuller’s soil is especially effective, which can help to get rid of dark circles, sun spots and age spots.

 o  For swelling and facial disinfection – blue clay is recommended.

 o  For skin peeling – you can use any type of clay from the above, but the recommendation is yellow clay as the most effective for peeling. In addition to nourishing and hydrating the skin, it also rids the skin of toxins.


If you want to play it safe, we would recommend that you get Bentonite clay that suits all skin types. This type of clay contains a large number of minerals, as well as parts of algae, so it perfectly cleanses the skin, removes impurities, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also deeply hydrates and refreshes the face.

Preparation of face mask

Preparation of face mask

For a clay face mask, you need 1-2 teaspoons of clay, to which you will add:

   A few drops of lemon – if you have oily skin

   A teaspoon of honey – for sensitive skin

   A few drops of almond (coconut) oil – for dry skin

   Milk, yogurt or sour cream – for dehydrated skin

   Egg white and nettle drops – to remove blackheads

It is necessary to mix everything (in a plastic or wooden bowl using a plastic or wooden spoon) without adding water and to wait about 2 minutes. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little bit of water.

How to apply this face mask

How to apply this face mask

 – Apply the mask on the face (with fingers or using a brush) avoiding the parts around the eyes and mouth.

– The mask should be kept on the face until it dries (hardens or changes color), which usually lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.

 – During that time, the skin goes through phases of absorbing mineral ingredients and gradually drying, with the clay collecting all impurities and bad substances.

 – When finished, you only need to wash your face with lukewarm water.

 – Be sure to apply moisturizer or face serum to prevent potential drying of the skin.

How to apply this face mask

This method of preparation is very practical if you have a “mixed type” of skin, so you can put a mask for dry skin on certain parts of the face by adding ingredients for dry skin, and for other parts (such as the T zone) you can add ingredients for oily skin.

Great thing is that you can adjust the amount of ingredients when making the mask to align with your skin type, because someone’s skin is more oily or more dry.

!!! Caution

In a small number of cases, there is a possibility that your skin will turn red after removing the mask, but this is not a reason for concern because the cause of it is increased blood circulation, so the redness will subside in a maximum of half an hour. The mask should not be used more than 2 times a week.

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