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clothes on chair

Easy tricks for pile of clothes on chair and storage ideas for worn clothes („clothing chair“ alternative)

After wearing washed and ironed clothes once, you might want to wear it one more time, and instead of throwing it in the washing basket, you just store them on a chair in your room until the next time you wear it.

The pile of clothes on the chair looks quite messy, and even in the most tidy house, this “detail” distorts the image of your tidiness. It’s weird how bad things are always noticed first, so even the smallest messy thing distracts your guest from all the other good things you’ve done to welcome your guest the best you can.

So let’s make it better –  first you need to find the reason why clothes are piling up in your case. We’ll try to help you with guidelines listed below

1. There is no enough space for them in the closet

If that is a problem, then you definitely need to do something about it. The closet should be functional and easily searchable, so if it is overcrowded, you have to find a reason why:

no space in closet

 – If the size of your clothes became small, you can donate them or sell them on online platforms.

 – If your clothes are no longer modern or no longer suit your style, so you rarely wear it. You can also give it away to someone as a gift or help.

 – If you have lost weight in the meantime, so now the clothes are larger sizes. You can take it to a tailor to adjust the size.

 – If it is torn or some part is damaged. Try to sew it yourself, it is not as difficult as you might think, and if you don’t have time, have someone to do it for you or definitely get rid of that thing that is not appropriate to you anymore.

 – If there are permanent stains on clothes and other damages. Simply throw it away or use it as a cloth to wipe the floors if the tailor does not have a better solution.

 – You are emotionally attached to certain pieces of clothing. If you don’t wear them and you won’t wear them some time soon, then pack them in a box or vacuum bag and simply change their location. It will occupy less space.

If you have done all this, and there is still no place in the closet. Try to sort sweaters, scarves, ski clothes and other winter clothes. Pack them in a vacuum bag and put them back in the closet. This way you will free up a space for the things that are worn more often.

2. Clothes is washed , but not ironed

For these clothes, you will need to find a particular place in your home.

Usually it is a shelf or a part of the closet positioned above or next to the washing machine. For big closets a simple decorative box could be a great solution for this purpose, or an empty drawer.

If the reason for the pile of clothes on chair are a lot of items that need to be ironed, and you have a little extra money, you can call the ironing service (they will come to your address to collect and do the job for you). This service usually is not too expensive.

3. Semi-dried clothes

Those clothes should hanged to dry, and as soon as it dries put in closet, because such accumulated things often lead to increasing the piles and mess in the living space.

4. Worn clothes that are not yet for washing

There are no too many things that need to be “saved” from washing, since those clothes should be just – sweaters (worn over T-shirts or shirts) and the pants. Only those things can be worn few times, while everything else should be washed every time you wear it. It is important that you do not return such things in the closet and mix them with clean clothes. Our suggestions on where to put these clothes instead of piling up the clothes on chair are:

 – Movable frame stand for clothes. It is the great solution if you have enough space in the room.

clothes chair alternatives

 – Vertical stands. Coat stand, hat stand or even some ladders are the great solution if you want to have a modern piece in your room.

ideas for worn clothes

 – Hooks on the door. If you do not have enough space for anything bulky, simply place the hooks on the room door and set them to be visible from the side of the room. The room will look neat, and the only thing that you should check is if there is enough space behind the door for the clothes.

storage ideas for clothes on chair

 – Drawer specially picked and designed for the purpose.

 – Tabouret. There’s plenty of storage space in it, so if you haven’t used this space at all, here’s an idea to make it really functional.

easy tricks for clothing chair

In the end of this article, we hope that you will apply some of the tricks given in order to improve the looks and practicality of your living space. By changing your habits a bit, you can do a lot for living in a cleaner and more pleasant space. 

Remember the quote “There’s a mess inside you. You clean the outside”.

For more home organization tips click here.


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