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get rid of cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite by changing the daily routine


Do you have a problem with cellulite? According to latest research, about 80% of women are faced at some point in their life with this problem. If you belong to this group, then you should know that cellulite in many cases can recover, no matter which method you applied to get rid of it (treatments, massages, creams, etc ..) In order to try to definitively solve the problem of cellulite, you will have to change your way of thinking and try to correct your habits.



It is necessary to adopt the next few steps into your routine if you want to get rid of cellulite and to avoid the things that support its creation:


Drink plenty of liquid. It is important to moisturize as often as possible in order to detox your body. Water, as a “source of life”, is naturally the best choice.

Walk as much as possible. If you are able to replace the public transport or your car by walking, you should certainly do it, even for short distances. If you are out of shape at the beginning it will be difficult, but you will quickly regain form. You can also do little but effective tricks like using the stairs instead of the elevator. It is essential to move.

Practice a little every day. This, of course does not involve strenuous exercise, going to the gym or any special conditions. In the mornings, or any other time you are free, do a couple of squats or classical stretching exercises. Over time, other exercises will replace these basic ones and bring diversity, and you will slowly increase exercise time, if it feels good to you.

Massage. If you do not have time to go to a professional massage treatments, which also tend to be quite expensive, you can always practice massage at home. This can sometimes be quite simple massage like the one you can perform with massage soap, by gently rubbing critical parts of the body during showering. Over time, you will definitely notice the difference.

Use gadgets. Although it seems like a scam, any specialized gadgets aiming removing cellulite when used frequent enough comes with results, because it will remind you to practice in case that exercise equipment is located in sight at your home, or in case of devices with surface vibration it will increases the blood circulation in the tissue, leading to decomposition of the so-called “orange peel skin”.

Avoid sitting cross-legged. Crossing your legs put pressure on blood vessels and thus disturb the bloodstream. For the even better blood circulation and lymph flow, from time to time you should practice lying on an inclined surface with your feet facing up. It is this position that provides excellent effects.

Do not wear too tight clothes. This reduces blood flow to tissue. This is particularly true in tight jeans, but if you are fond of wearing it, then try exclude it from some days in the week

Of course the routine should include proper and healthy diet. It always sounds good in theory, however it is known that lot of people are not doing it in practice. 
In any case, it would be good to pay attention to the following things in case you want to get rid of cellulite by changing your daily routine:
• Consume foods that have powerful and beneficial effects on the body fat such as: blueberries, cherries, almonds, hazelnuts, avocado, olive oil, oat flakes.

• Try to include to each lunch the bowl of soup, your body will thank you.

• Best fluids to drink are surely water, squeezed juices from fresh fruits, unsweetened tea and coffee.

• When you are in a restaurant tend to order balanced and if possible the lower calorie foods. It can be a variety of combinations with chicken or turkey meat, fish specialties, various salads.

• If you like to eat bagels and pasta, choose the integral versions.

• Limit your intake of fast food.

• Limit the exaggeration with alcohol and cigarettes.

• Avoid sweet and salty snacks in front of the TV, because according to researches in this way the brain loses control of how much you ate. The brain has to be aware of every single bite.

• Number of meals during the day is not so important, more important is how much you eat and what do you eat. Don’t exaggerate with quantities and be aware that things that you consume are healthy (increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, cereals …). How many times you eat during the day depends solely on your metabolism. There are people who finish with their last meal just before the bedtime and it does not bother them, and there are those others whose last meal must end at 6 pm. Listened to your body.

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Practical advice

If you are planing to use any cellulite cream for the massage, and it seems to you that it is not efficient enough, wrap the part of your body with kitchen stretch foil to increase the creme intensity, but be careful to take the foil off when the its heating/cooling effect stops, so you don’t have an unwanted irritation.

If you are in doubt which cream and other beauty tools to use and if you want to see first results in a two weeks our suggestion is:

Nivea Q10 Multi Power 4in1 (click here)
Hedera Vita Cinnamon Massage Soap (click here)
EcoPro Cellulite Wood Body Massager (click here)

Finally, it is important that cellulite is solved or minimized, because although it is often seen as just an aesthetic problem, it actually can lead to tissue disease that can even be painful in the later stages. By adopting as many steps from the proposed routine, you will significantly prevent cellulite as well as reduce its effects if you have it at the moment. You will definitely feel better and healthier. So, put a big smile and go right into action.


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