Easy Daily Things - Svakodnevne stvari

make the most of your maternity leave

How to make the most of your maternity leave?

In this text, we will try to help you make the best of the days of maternity leave, a beautiful period for you and your baby.

Kako maksimalno iskoristiti porodiljsko odsustvo

Naturally in the first place comes the quality time that you spend with the baby, but keep in mind that it is also very important to have enough rest because any exhaustion leads to mood swings, and this can be passed onto the baby. The goal is to make everyone happy.

However, if you are in a situation that you babysit on your own and have little or no side help at all, simply the facts that you don’t have time for yourself and that it seems like every day is the same, can be very exhausting and psychologically difficult.


Depending on the amount of your free time, make sure that you analyze it carefully and choose which of these EASY DAILY activities you could include in your schedule to make the most of your maternity leave.

Druženje sa prijateljima.Kako maksimalno iskoristiti porodiljsko odsustvo

Hanging out with friends. It seems ridiculous, but if you have worked a lot before the pregnancy, then you probably haven’t spent a lot of time hanging out with your friends. Well, now is the right time. Yes – you have no excuses anymore.

Education improvement . It is a great opportunity for an online course, maybe finishing your studies or some other type of education.

Additional part-time work. Why not, maybe you are not satisfied with your existing job, here is an opportunity to try something new and see if it suits you. Perhaps the best and pretty popular nowadays option for additional part-time work would be “online mode – working from home”. Just be careful not to overestimate your time and abilities, so that you find yourself in trouble.

How to make the most of your maternity leave

Summarizing previous achievements and preparing plans for the future. This is very important because probobly by working constantly, you never have time to look into and recapitulate your achievements. It’s time to draw the line and see where you are.

Starting your own business. If you have always wanted to start something and you have a business idea, then you have already gone halfway to achieving the goal. Everything is possible, you just have to want it enough!

Pursuing hobbies or developing new ones. If you’ve always complained that you don’t have enough time to devote to your hobbies, here’s an ideal opportunity. Of course if it all fits into your new lifestyle.

maternity leave

Travel. You should not give up travel because a baby can be a great companion. Before traveling, analyze the plan and program in detail, which will help you enjoy and not get into some awkward situations because you are no longer alone.

Beauty treatments. Fixed prostheses, special hair treatments, massages … the choice is great, just take into account whether any of it can negatively affect breastfeeding (if you do it).

Change your dressing style. Organize your wardrobe, set aside all the clothes for pregnant women (maybe for the next pregnancy or give it away). Examine each piece of clothing and think about what you should leave aside and what to pass on. It’s maybe time to change your style!

maternity leave nutrition

Exercise. Why not return to work after giving birth with the look you have always wanted to have. In addition to the previous two points, you would also need to shape your body to complete the picture. You can find time when the baby is sleeping, while the baby is playing, or simply exercise together with the baby.

Nutrition. In addition to exercise, of course, you should take the diet into consideration. This is the right time to correct your diet, because you are mostly at home, so you can finally put aside all the variants of fast food and have a little fun cooking. If cooking is not your stronger point, there are opportunities for online training. Keep in mind that in this way you will be solving the problem of food preparation for a long run, since you will provide your family with a healthier diet in the future.

You will need the help of your spouse or someone from your family to make some of the items on the list, but keep in mind that if you are happy, the baby will be happier, which is the most important thing. You and your baby are equally important, so as you don’t neglect your baby, don’t neglect yourself as well.



Below we  are leaving you a couple of useful links related to this text and topics, which you can find useful:

If you are struggling with overweight problems during pregnancy, click on the following link.

Click for text on arranging the wardrobe.

You can find our easy-daily nutrition ideas on the Food main page.

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