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How to alleviate or prevent cold and flu symptoms at home

How to alleviate or prevent cold and flu symptoms at home

You are not feeling very well, your throat aches, you may have a cold or flu – is there anything you can do before you see a doctor?

If you do nothing, it is most likely that the situation will get even worse. Take a look at our easy-daily tips in order to help yourself and alleviate the symptoms of flu and colds.

1. Eliminate sore throat quickly

Eliminate sore throat quickly

Make sage tea for rinsing your mouth and throat, which will in most cases work immediately – you will feel better the same day.

Sage is known as the „Queen of medicinal plants“, while baking soda has a strong antiseptic effect – so it has proven to be very effective in fighting bacterial infections.

Tea preparation

Pour boiled hot water into a 1 L jar (make sure to do this slowly so that the jar does not break) and add one tablespoon of dried / fresh sage. When the tea has cooled enough and more importantly after the sage has sunk to the bottom of the jar, strain the liquid and add one flat teaspoon of baking soda.

How to use this tea?

Use this tea several times during the day for rinsing the throat (without swallowing the liquid). If you started the therapy in the morning, you should feel better by the end of the day. If the sore throat has not completely stopped, repeat that the next day.

 ! If you plan to use the liquid tomorrow, be sure to make a new one, do not use it for more than 24 hours.
 ! Do not increase quantities. Increasing the amount of sage and baking soda will not increase efficiency, instead it will create a problem.
 ! You should not use this tea for more than two days in a row if it is not effective. If this is a case, it is time to see a doctor.

sage tea

A few words about sage…

Before the development of antibiotics, sage was used to treat plenty of diseases. It was prepared and used in different ways. It was used fresh or dry, it was strained and used for making essential oils, it was used for making sage tea, it was chewed fresh for toothache and bandaged for injuries and wounds. It has powerful medicinal properties, and for the reason of being one of the strongest natural antibiotics, antimycotics and antiseptics, sage got its reputation of „The queen of medicinal plants“.

Naturalists and herbalists used to prepare a special sage wine for recovering from the serious diseases. It was made by putting about 30 g of dried sage in 2 L of quality red wine and boiling the mixture. In the cooled down drink, honey is added. This elixir is drunk in small quantities, and was used in medieval castles to cure the most serious forms of diseases.

You can find more about the properties of sage on the following link, click here.

2. If you have a dry cough

If you have a dry cough


and if it is a winter period, place a container with water near the radiators, and be sure to change the water daily. It is especially important to place it in the room where you sleep. This way you will maintain the humidity in the rooms, which will help you not to cough and to breathe better and easier. In addition, don’t leave the house unnecessarily if it’s cold outside because you can make your cough worse – but if you really need to then layer yourself to keep you warm and put a scarf over your mouth.

3. For airway patency

If your nose is blocked

you can use a gel based on herbs and menthol, which has proven to be very efficient for these problems. The gel is intended for external use and you can find it in local pharmacies. It can be applied on the chest or neck before going to bed, and even under the nose. As a result, you will sleep easier, breath easier, and it can even help to reduce coughing.

4. If your nose is blocked

For airway patency

simply drip saline solution into your nostrils. It will clear your airways, and you can easily find it in every local pharmacy.

5. If your feet are cold

If your feet are cold

when necessary, shower your feet with warm water for a few minutes, and then put on warm socks. The power of hot water and hydro-massage is very powerful, especially in such cases.

6. You need to improve your immunity

You need to improve your immunity

you will do this in several ways. The first thing you should take in the morning is lukewarm water with lemon and honey, which will help you hydrate and detoxify your body. Try to eat a healthy and balanced diet – without fast food, sweats and carbonated drinks. Soups and stews, meals with seasonal vegetables, vitamin salads should be found on your table. Of course, fruit snacks are also included, as well as plenty of liquids and hot drinks intake. In addition, you can introduce various supplements to your diet to improve immunity.

Have in mind that these tips are preventive measures that can help you quickly when you have a cold, but in case your symptoms do not improve or unfortunately get even worse within a few days, you should certainly see a doctor.

By applying these tips, you will help your body fight various colds, viruses and other threats, and take care of your immunity. Stay healthy.

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