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spinach pie

Incredibly delicious spinach pie in 10 steps

Are you one of those people who doesn’t like spinach so much or maybe you have someone at home who hardly ever eats it? Please, don’t skip this recipe for spinach pie because this meal will be equally enjoyed by both those who like it and those who don’t. Simply, the smell and taste of this are hard to resist.

If you make this spinach pie for dinner, you might not have it for tomorrow, because it will be eaten faster than you think. On the other hand if this isn’t the case, it will be a great solution for breakfast, even for lunch break at work.

A few words about spinach


You probably heard how healthy spinach is, but did you know that one cup of spinach provides your daily needs for vitamin A and a third of your daily needs for vitamin C? Spinach is also an excellent source of iron, phosphorus and beta-carotene, protects the body from carcinogenic and cardiovascular diseases and due to the high level of potassium preserves bone health.

For the pie with spinach and cheese you need:

spinach pie with cheese

500g of filo pastry sheets (finished crusts)

250g (feta or other) cheese

500g spinach

3 eggs

1 glass of greek yogurt

3 tablespoons of oil + a little amount to grease the baking tray

5 tablespoons of milk

1 baking powder

Salt and sesame

10 steps guide for preparing the spinach pie:

1. Put the cleaned and washed spinach in a pan so that the water passes over the spinach and add 5 tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of salt. As soon as the water starts to boil, remove from the heat and strain the spinach.

2. Make a “watery dressing“ for moistening of the crusts, which is made by pouring lukewarm water into one glass and adding 1 flat teaspoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of oil.

3. Make the filling mixture by adding 2 eggs and baking powder to the spinach and blending it all with a stick mixer.

4. The final topping is made from one cup of greek yogurt, half a teaspoon of salt and one egg.

5. Grease the baking tray, then start layering the crusts.

6. Moisten each crust with a watery dressing.

7. At the half of the used crusts, spread the spinach filling evenly and crumble the entire feta cheese. Then continue with the layering of crusts and moistening with the watery topping.

8. When you have used all the crusts, prick everything with a fork (the more the better, all the way to the bottom of the baking tray) and pour over the rest of the watery topping and at the end the final topping.

9. All crusts should be well submerged.

10. Finally sprinkle the sesame seeds.

Bake at 200oC for about 30 minutes (depends on the strength of your oven).

We hope you’ll enjoy this easy-daily recipe often.



Proven tricks for preparing incredibly delicious pies and how to fix common mistakes that happen during the preparation you can find here.

For more recipes click on the following link.



Bon appetit !!!

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