14 great suggestions on what to do in retirement. 14 sjajnih predloga šta raditi u penziji

14 great suggestions on what to do in retirement

Retirement should be accepted as another chapter of life given to a man as a reward – to enjoy and do exactly what he loves. It is time to reorganize activities and make plans for the future.

If you are a retiree or you have someone who is a retiree in your home or environment – read our 14 EASY DAILY suggestions on what to do in retirement.

Accept this period optimistically, be happy, satisfied and full of energy, because the time has finally come to do all the things and activities that you have not been able to achieve so far.

1. You are in retirement, but want to continue working ...

retirement You are in retirement, but if you want to continue working

~ You can do extra work or in some cases stay in your job. The good thing is that you can choose the amount of work engagement, which means you don’t have to be a full-time employee.

~ Many companies are interested in people with rich work experience, and this can be a great opportunity for you to offer them your consulting services.

~ Organizing courses and training is also a good option as many people need it to improve their work.

~ If you are interested in a business opening, you can try with your own company.

2. Maintain and expand contacts and acquaintances

retirement Maintain and expand contacts and acquaintances

~ Reducing social contacts and isolation is the wrong path to take.

~ Try to spend more quality time with your family, hang out more with neighbors, invite old friends you haven’t seen in a long time, keep in touch with colleagues from work, find new acquaintances.

Socialization is very important and has a great impact on a better and happier life.

3. Travel

retirement Travel

~ Use this period for travel.

~ Probably your country gives certain benefits for retirees regarding travel – ask.

~ The Mountaineering Association generally has not so demanding routes for all those who are not so physically active, and yet would like to see parts of their country that they have not visited.

4. Please yourself, do the things you have always wanted.

retirement Please yourself, do the things you have always wanted

~ It can be an opportunity to buy land and make a cottage that you will enjoy, and in that way escape from the city noise if you live in the city.

~ Finally, it’s time for fishing, gardening, chess club, hiking or mountaineering and other activities you prefer.

If you had hobbies while working, you can continue to develop them with pleasure. It is important to stay active and do what you love.

5. Education.

retirement Education

~ Within the place in which you live, various entertainment, education and recreation activities are organized for retirees. Why not take a computer course or an English language course or any other foreign language spoken perhaps by your friends or grandchildren abroad?

6. Take a driving course.

retirement Take a driving course

~ If you have not driven a car for a long period, but you did pass exam, then this is not a complete unknown to you. Why not renew your knowledge and go to the city where your children or grandchildren live? So you could visit them whenever you want, and maybe visit a part of the country that you have wanted to see.

7. Dancing and hanging out with people of your generation.

retirement Dancing and hanging out with people of your generation

~ There are dance classes in Belgrade in the Pensioners’ Club, there are probably some in your city as well, ask.

~ If you sing beautifully, maybe the choir in the nearby church needs a member, take a walk and ask.

~ Many describe such places as great for meeting people of similar interests, but also to see those friends you haven’t seen in a long time.

8. YouTube channel.

retirement YouTube channel

~ To share your experience from a job you did or a hobby you developed (gardening, knitting, cooking, sewing, jewelry making, wardrobe) open You tube channel. Younger family members or someone you can pay to do this can help you. After a certain amount of time, you can even make some money.

9. Now you have time to go to the bookstore

retirement Now you have time to go to the bookstore

~ and see what is currently at the top of reading lists. Now you have time to read books that have been recommended to you so far or those that you have put on the shelf and have never read.

10. As for recreation

retirement As for recreation

~ You can go to the nearby swimming pool, go for a walk through the part of the city you haven’t been to for a long time, visit the new shopping center or ride a bike.

~ A great idea would be to visit a gym where instructors would be happy to help you with stretching exercises or any other in order to eliminate pain in a particular part of the body.

Many people, when they retire, start to move less and eat less – in that way endanger their health, and at the same time create a problem not only for themselves but also for their family. It is important to stay independent, healthy and mobile because that is the only way you can help yourself and your family.

11. Learn to make a new dish

retirement Learn to make a new dish

~ and thus delight your family and neighbors, or simply delight yourself with a new dish or dessert. If you are good at cooking, ask if working families in your neighborhood need „home-made“ food, maybe that would make it easier for them and at the same time for you to earn some money.

Maybe a family around you needs a help with babysitting or to prepare a birthday party. Home-made food is always welcome. People in the city do not have time to prepare “ajvar” and jams, so why not organize a sale if you are good at it.

12. Attend city events

retirement Attend city events

~ outdoor concerts, theater performances, cinemas, fairs, etc.

13. Make your own routine

retirement Make your own routine

~ while other people work you can enjoy a well-deserved time.

Don’t neglect yourself, it’s not so beautiful to see neglected people. Do your hair on regular basis or ask the younger ones in the family to help you with the beautification or purchase of a new shirt or blouse, in case you are not able to do it all yourself. Why not go for a massage or a beauty salon.

14. If you have not recently renovated the rooms

retirement If you have not recently renovated the rooms

~ Оn this site you will find suggestions on how to decorate the space.

~ Tidy up the pantry or basement, you probably haven’t tidied them up in a long time, so why not make it a functional?

~ You can redecorate and adjust the apartment to your new wishes, design your own corner in the apartment to enjoy and arrange to your preferences.

Living in a beautiful and tidy environment contributes to more beautiful and tidy thoughts.

If you have not yet, contact your municipality for retirement benefits or a mountaineering association if you are in the mood to travel. Be sure to visit the Retiree Fair or just hang out with people.


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